Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Bullet My Whole Day (Writing Challenge Day #4)

This time, my challenge subject seems a little off to me. For one, every single one of my days is different with only some consistencies. For this then, I will run you all through what a typical day looks like for me, perhaps with a little sarcasm inserted.

7:30AM (or earlier a lot of the times): Wake up. Admit to myself I hate waking up. Hit the snooze button and snuggle for just 9 more minutes with my adorable puppy and handsome husband.
7:45: Actually wake up, still hating it. Get ready for the day (e.g. Shower if I didn't the night before, shove something down my throat because I know breakfast is the healthiest meal of the day but I hate it unless it's bad-for-me-cereal or involves bacon and/or pancakes shaped like Minnie Mouse, brush my teeth, do my hair, do my makeup, miss my bed, review my agenda for the day, walk the dog, etc.)
8:30: Go to class or work, sometimes both.
12: Take a break from class or work and eat lunch (usually Ramen, cheap Mac and cheese, or leftovers)
1: back to work and/or class
5: Begin a never-ending stream of to-do list items.
6: Make and have dinner. Sometimes, I switch off with my bestie.
7: Exercise (swimming, walking, Just Dance or Insanity)
8: More never-ending to-do list items. Isn't my life so exciting?!
9PM on: hang out with friends, read, suck at playing Xbox, crash into bed at some point.
Ongoing: being a clutz, being a goofball, loving on my hubbie/friends/puppy, being stubborn, dreaming of meeting Ian Somerhalder or at least Tyler Ward, idolizing Lea Michele and fictional female powerhouses like Katniss Everdeen, and pretending I have some idea as to what's going on.

I hope you enjoyed a day in my life and are okay with the fact that I totally left out the top-secret fact that I'm Batman and actually fight crime all day. The end.

1 comment:

  1. what would you most like to change about your day? what attitudes do you have about your day that you would like to alter?
