I try really hard not to air my dirty laundry on the internet so I'm going to try to be funny about a problem I have had. We'll see how that goes!
So here goes. I have a serious...book problem. I love to read, even though I never have time to (well, for fun anyway). I read every time I can, and love curling up on the couch or in my bed with a good book and a cup of tea. I claim allegiance to no particular genre or author. I do have my favorites, like Young Adult Fiction/True Crime or Catherine Coulter/Jim Butcher, but I try to never say no lest I miss the best book of my life in some unexpected section of the library or bookstore. Speaking of bookstores, you know how some women joke to not let them near shoes with their credit card? Don't let me near Barnes&Noble, or any bookstore for that matter. I've already gathered quite the selection in my collection (hey, that rhymed!) but there will never be a number that is too many books to own. I even prefer audiobooks to the radio in the car, especially on long drives. I have a never-ending list called "Books to Read" and several related Pinterest boards. Every Facebook post ever mocking bookworms has applied to me, word for word. I even get slightly agitated when people claim to be a fan of Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Divergent, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Gone With the Wind (or any title ever, really) based simply on watching the movie/s. You are no true fan until you see that material in its true form: the book. I do love when people write books based on movies or TV shows, too. Not to be a hypocrite, I refuse to see a movie based on a book until I read the book. I'm quite the sucker for all merchandise related to my favorite books. If Parker wouldn't stop me every once in a while, we'd look like hoarders. I could go on and on, but that could make this blog post a book in itself.
So, instead, I will close with a polite no thank you to your suggestions for seeking help, such as self-medicating with Netflix. You see, if I have to have a "problem" with anything, I'd like for it to be books. What other "problem" makes you smarter, takes you to other worlds without the cost of airfare or the discovery of time/space travel, AND helps you find the soul of so many "characters" and the lessons therein all the time? I not only have my friends and my family...I've got my fandoms.
And she lived happily ever after in a home ever smelling of books, THE END.
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