Again, Pinterest has given me another prompt that I deem silly. That being said, I will take some creative liberty as I usually do.
So what did I wear today, Pinterest or people of the internet? Well, I wore bags and dark circles under my eyes as I woke up to work the graveyard shift at my job. I wore my work uniform to the place where I help protect the people of BYU-I, and also earn money to help support my family. I wore a smile as my dog climbed into my arms this morning for five minutes of snuggling after I pressed snooze. I wore a content look on my face because my husband took the time to fold laundry and do some chores while I slept so that it was one less thing for us to worry about. I wore a furrowed brow as I concentrated on my homework and to-do list items...all in the hopes that I'd have more time to spend with my family and friends today. I wore something comfortable along with tennis shoes so that I can attend to the variety of my day, from checking on my society's canned food drive to attending my sociology class. I wore the armor of God, as I have faith in him and how he impacts every second of my day. I wore a frown as I consider and pray for the people around the world amidst the many conflicts of today.
Most of all and most frequently throughout the day, I wore something special: my gratitude.
I am thankful to have a job, even if I have to work gives me experience and keeps my family financially secure. I am thankful for my husband, my puppy, our families and our friends...for their love, for their support, for their companionship, for so much it's impossible to explain it all. I'm grateful to attend a university and to be almost done with earning my Sociology degree. I am grateful for my faith and the support of God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. I am thankful that despite all the evils and conflicts of the world, you can always always always find the silver lining. You can always find beauty amidst the muck.
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